A brand new day;brand new yr to all...
The past keep flashing back in my head.Happiness,sadness,sweetness,sourness,
surprises,disappointment n heartaches jus flashed back like tat...2 months hv passed,life goes on w/o him,longging n waiting still there...But past already past time cant b turned back so just let everything b a memories to me.Anyway I shld thanks him as well for letting me see the true colours of ppl ard me,letting mi noe who is there for me always and oso for treating mi gd for that 4mths.Hereby,I wish you all the best in this brand new yr.May u will be happy always n oso find someone better in the future,n make the rite career for urself as 4mths more to ur ORD,Dun gamble so much as well,save up for rainy days...Take care n all the best..