Wednesday, May 20, 2009

* The Ultimate Astrology Personality Analysis

Shine On
There’s a good reason why Leo’s love and crave the spotlight. It’s because their ruler, the sun, is the center of “our” universe. Think about it. All of the planets, from closest planet Mercury to debatable Pluto, revolve around the sun. From this perspective, it’s easy to see why a typical Leo trait is to crave the warmth of the limelight. It’s literally second-nature to you! Others may see it has hogging the limelight, but you know you deserve nothing less!

One of the lesser known Leo traits is the drive they feel to create, whether it’s acting in a play, writing a novel, or something else. This is in large part due to the sun’s domain over creativity.

Few, save for perhaps Cancer and Scorpio, are as loyal as a Leo, and this is one of the most admirable Leo traits. Think of Leo’s symbol, the lion. The lion, king of the jungle, rules his pride, but he also defends it. Leos bring this same sense of duty and loyalty to their friends and family.

We can’t discuss Leo traits without talking about Leo’s love affair with love, for when a Leo is in love, that’s when their best qualities really shine.

When a Leo loves you, you’ll be showered with expensive gifts, jetted off to the hottest nightspots, and revel in the romance of champagne and flowers. If your idea of romance is the stuff of romantic movies, a Leo can make that dream come true.